
Wednesday, December 11, 2024

What is Insulator, Insulation Resistance and How to measure IR in Batteries ?

Insulator in the High Voltage Transformer

   Figure 1: Insulator in the High Voltage Transformer

Insulator: A material which blocks movement of electric current due to high resistance. The high resistance is due to the higher band gap from Valance to Conduction band.

Insulation Resistance: The insulation resistance is a method used to detect any power leakage inside  HV components (Battery,Inverter,Motor etc).

In this process we will be applying High DC Voltage (500V or 1000V) with miniscule amount of current and resistance is measured.(Typically 550MOhms).

If the component has insulation fault then the resistance value showing in the IR Tester or Megger will  be low and Vice Versa,


       Figure 2: Showing no insulation Fault (OK)         Figure 3: Shows insulation Fault(Faulty)

Process to Check Insulation Resistance (IR):

1. The above Figure 2 & 3 shows Insulation Tester or Megger to check the Insulation resistance.

2. It has 2 probes one is RED to check the insulation by giving appropriate voltage either 500V or 1000V and the other BLACK probe is a common ground.

3. The IR meter has a (Test ) button, also the test probe too has a push button (Test) to pass the voltage.

4.The common ground probe need to touch the HV component ground or the body ( Typically the HV systems body metal structure is the ground ).

5. The red probe need to touch the LIVE part of the system, in case of batteries it will be battery terminals ( Negative or Positive Terminals).

6.Then the TEST button shoud be pressed, we will get the result (as shown in the above image).

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